House Prices in ME18 House Prices in ME18 (Maidstone)

The average house price in ME18 (Maidstone) is £249,500 using HM Land Registry data.

The average property price increased by £71,516 (63.22%) over the last 5 years and increased by £14,293 (7.63%) over the last 12 months.

Over the last year, there were 63 residential property sales – a decrease of 32 transactions (-50.79%) relative to the previous year. The majority of house sales (19) were in the £376,000 - £522,000 range. Then came properties in the £230,000 - £376,000 range, where 17 were sold within this price bracket.

Excluding fall throughs, properties are taking an average of 48 days to sell (from being listed to completion) and the average difference between asking and sold prices is £-16,666 (-2%).

In April 2024, there were 28 new estate agency instructions, 7 agreed home sales and 13 property price reductions.

5-Year Average Property Prices in ME18 (Maidstone)


Property prices in Maidstone increased by 63.22% in last 5 years.

The trend shows the general price tendency over the last 5 years, ignoring all month-to-month fluctuations where anomalies - typically over or underpriced property sales - can skew results. These monthly variations typically do not have any long-term relevance.

We have used linear regression method. The volume of sales in a month is used to put more weight on months with a larger number of properties sold. Additionally, weighting decreases the impact of months with low sales volumes as well as the most recent month - which may consist of incomplete data. Such months have a higher variation of average sale values which may conceal the underlying trend.

From a statistical perspective, we use the least squares method to fit the trend line and weights are equal to the volume of sales squared. The volume of sales is not shown explicitly in the above plot. Also note the time lag for HM Land Registry data to appear (typically 2 to 3 months).

Average Property Prices in ME18 (Maidstone) Over the Last Year


Property prices in Maidstone increased by 7.63% in last 12 months.

The trend shows the general price tendency over the last 12 months, ignoring all month-to-month fluctuations where anomalies - typically over or underpriced property sales - can skew results. These monthly variations typically do not have any long-term relevance.

We have used linear regression method. The volume of sales in a month is used to put more weight on months with a larger number of properties sold. Additionally, weighting decreases the impact of months with low sales volumes as well as the most recent month - which may consist of incomplete data. Such months have a higher variation of average sale values which may conceal the underlying trend.

From a statistical perspective, we use the least squares method to fit the trend line and weights are equal to the volume of sales squared. The volume of sales is not shown explicitly in the above plot. Also note the time lag for HM Land Registry data to appear (typically 2 to 3 months).

Property Market Heat Gauge for ME18 (Maidstone) - April 2024

Our Property Market Heat Gauge looks at how long properties in your postcode district have been on the open market before being changed to sold 'Subject to Contract' ('STC') or 'Under Offer' on Rightmove (the UK's leading property portal).

At 41 to 60 days, the broad evidence suggests that the market is reasonably slow moving. Although some sellers in your postcode may be willing to wait up to 9 weeks, this data would suggest that estate agents may be overvaluing properties. In such scenarios, some vendors may either choose to wait for the market to pick up (which may result in relisting the property at a later date).Others simply reduce the price to a level that will entice more buyer interest or approach a sell house fast or auction company like Property Solvers.

Please note that this is not an indicator of how quickly property sales are taking to complete (i.e. to go through the whole conveyancing process). This measurement also does not take into account the risk of home sales falling through.

No. of New Instructions Over the Last 12 Months in ME18 (Maidstone)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of properties that have come on to the market.

No. of Agreed Home Sales Over the Last 12 Months in ME18 (Maidstone)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of property sales agreed. Note that these figures are not fully reflective of properties completed (sold and registered as such at HM Land Registry).

No. of Properties with Price Reductions in ME18 (Maidstone)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of properties which have been seen their prices dropped (typically due to a lack of buyer interest).

Average Annual House Prices in the ME18 (Maidstone) Postcode since 1995

Using HM Land Registry data, this chart displays average annual house prices in the ME18 postcode area since 1995.

Recent Sales in ME18 (Maidstone)

AddressInitial PriceSold PricePrice ChangeFirst Listed DateSold DateDays to Sell
143 Butchers Lane, Mereworth, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5QD£850,000£830,000-£20,00008 Jul 202310 Nov 2023125 Days
210 Kent Street, Mereworth, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5QW£380,000£380,000£0011 Jul 202304 Oct 202385 Days
123 Bow Road, Wateringbury, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5DZ£499,950£475,000-£24,95012 Jun 202303 Oct 2023113 Days
Hatchgate House, Mill Lane, Yalding, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 6AR£525,000£425,000-£100,00021 Mar 202329 Sep 2023192 Days
Flat 17, Teston House, Tonbridge Road, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BF£160,000£160,000£0017 May 202325 Sep 2023131 Days
24 Allington Gardens, Wateringbury, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5DG£399,950£370,000-£29,95027 Mar 202314 Sep 2023171 Days
24 Cobbs Close, Wateringbury, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5NJ£497,500£487,500-£10,00028 Mar 202328 Jul 2023122 Days
Trowfair, Church Street, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5AG£450,000£435,000-£15,00027 Jan 202312 Jul 2023166 Days
7 Bow Terrace, Wateringbury, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5DW£290,000£285,000-£5,00001 Feb 202323 Jun 2023142 Days
96 Phoenix Drive, Wateringbury, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5RS£450,000£450,000£0028 Mar 202316 Jun 202380 Days
Hamilton, Vicarage Road, Yalding, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 6DR£1,000,000£985,000-£15,00011 Nov 202209 Jun 2023210 Days
79 The Street, Mereworth, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5LZ£1,195,000£1,100,000-£95,00029 Sep 202224 Apr 2023207 Days
Church House, High Street, Yalding, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 6HU£1,495,000£1,440,000-£55,00013 Feb 202314 Apr 202360 Days
6 Church Close, Mereworth, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5LY£525,000£525,000£0002 Dec 202214 Apr 2023133 Days
20 Mill Lane, Wateringbury, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5PE£650,000£630,000-£20,00026 Dec 202204 Apr 202399 Days
Bramleys, Benover Road, Yalding, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 6ES£950,000£915,000-£35,00005 Jan 202303 Apr 202388 Days
18 Barham Mews, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BL£170,000£170,000£0001 Nov 202217 Mar 2023136 Days
29 The Brucks, Wateringbury, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5PX£570,000£570,000£0026 Aug 202210 Mar 2023196 Days
4 Readers Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5EY£575,000£565,000-£10,00023 Aug 202230 Jan 2023160 Days
11 Hillside Court, Wateringbury, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5DF£350,000£345,000-£5,00022 Aug 202213 Jan 2023144 Days

Most Expensive Streets in ME18 (Maidstone)

PostcodeStreetAreaAverageNo. of Sales
ME18 6EASalters Cross, YaldingMaidstone£1,017,5003
ME18 5PEMill Lane, WateringburyMaidstone£990,0005
ME18 6HASymonds Lane, YaldingMaidstone£910,6663
ME18 5AQThe Street, TestonMaidstone£803,0005
ME18 5LUThe Street, MereworthMaidstone£799,1663
ME18 6BPLaddingfordMaidstone£781,6663
ME18 5NYTonbridge Road, WateringburyMaidstone£771,44910
ME18 5NWRed Hill, WateringburyMaidstone£676,1005
ME18 5NAThe Street, MereworthMaidstone£642,1005
ME18 5ARCouncil Houses, TestonMaidstone£630,0004

Least Expensive Streets in ME18 (Maidstone)

PostcodeStreetAreaAverageNo. of Sales
ME18 5BLBarham Mews, TestonMaidstone£151,64410
ME18 5BFTeston House, Tonbridge RoadMaidstone£174,8577
ME18 5NUTonbridge Road, WateringburyMaidstone£190,8663
ME18 6EWKillicks Cottages, Benover RoadMaidstone£242,3333
ME18 5DWBow Terrace, WateringburyMaidstone£256,0005
ME18 5FAThe Orpines, WateringburyMaidstone£279,64214
ME18 5EXBryant Close, NettlesteadMaidstone£281,4287
ME18 5ESBishops Close, NettlesteadMaidstone£290,6005
ME18 5ABWaterside Mews, WateringburyMaidstone£306,7779
ME18 6JGMount Avenue, YaldingMaidstone£317,5006

Explore ME18 (Maidstone) using map