House Prices in TF8 House Prices in TF8 (Telford)

The average house price in TF8 (Telford) is £210,000 using HM Land Registry data.

The average property price increased by £123,976 (12.42%) over the last 5 years and increased by £24,778 (2.06%) over the last 12 months.

Over the last year, there were 46 residential property sales – a decrease of 21 transactions (-45.65%) relative to the previous year. The majority of house sales (14) were in the £238,000 - £316,000 range. Then came properties in the £160,000 - £238,000 range, where 10 were sold within this price bracket.

Excluding fall throughs, properties are taking an average of 26 days to sell (from being listed to completion) and the average difference between asking and sold prices is £-9,390 (-2%).

In April 2024, there were 11 new estate agency instructions, 11 agreed home sales and 7 property price reductions.

5-Year Average Property Prices in TF8 (Telford)


Property prices in Telford increased by 12.42% in last 5 years.

The trend shows the general price tendency over the last 5 years, ignoring all month-to-month fluctuations where anomalies - typically over or underpriced property sales - can skew results. These monthly variations typically do not have any long-term relevance.

We have used linear regression method. The volume of sales in a month is used to put more weight on months with a larger number of properties sold. Additionally, weighting decreases the impact of months with low sales volumes as well as the most recent month - which may consist of incomplete data. Such months have a higher variation of average sale values which may conceal the underlying trend.

From a statistical perspective, we use the least squares method to fit the trend line and weights are equal to the volume of sales squared. The volume of sales is not shown explicitly in the above plot. Also note the time lag for HM Land Registry data to appear (typically 2 to 3 months).

Average Property Prices in TF8 (Telford) Over the Last Year


Property prices in Telford increased by 2.06% in last 12 months.

The trend shows the general price tendency over the last 12 months, ignoring all month-to-month fluctuations where anomalies - typically over or underpriced property sales - can skew results. These monthly variations typically do not have any long-term relevance.

We have used linear regression method. The volume of sales in a month is used to put more weight on months with a larger number of properties sold. Additionally, weighting decreases the impact of months with low sales volumes as well as the most recent month - which may consist of incomplete data. Such months have a higher variation of average sale values which may conceal the underlying trend.

From a statistical perspective, we use the least squares method to fit the trend line and weights are equal to the volume of sales squared. The volume of sales is not shown explicitly in the above plot. Also note the time lag for HM Land Registry data to appear (typically 2 to 3 months).

Property Market Heat Gauge for TF8 (Telford) - April 2024

Our Property Market Heat Gauge looks at how long properties in your postcode district have been on the open market before being changed to sold 'Subject to Contract' ('STC') or 'Under Offer' on Rightmove (the UK's leading property portal).

At 21 to 40 days, the broad evidence suggests that properties are selling reasonably quickly after being initially advertised and the market is reasonably healthy. If you are prepared to wait to up to 6 weeks, and you are sure that your property is priced realistically, you should get an offer within this timeframe.

Please note that this is not an indicator of how quickly property sales are taking to complete (i.e. to go through the whole conveyancing process). This measurement also does not take into account the risk of home sales falling through.

No. of New Instructions Over the Last 12 Months in TF8 (Telford)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of properties that have come on to the market.

No. of Agreed Home Sales Over the Last 12 Months in TF8 (Telford)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of property sales agreed. Note that these figures are not fully reflective of properties completed (sold and registered as such at HM Land Registry).

No. of Properties with Price Reductions in TF8 (Telford)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of properties which have been seen their prices dropped (typically due to a lack of buyer interest).

Average Annual House Prices in the TF8 (Telford) Postcode since 1995

Using HM Land Registry data, this chart displays average annual house prices in the TF8 postcode area since 1995.

Recent Sales in TF8 (Telford)

AddressInitial PriceSold PricePrice ChangeFirst Listed DateSold DateDays to Sell
204 Ferry Road, Jackfield, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7LS£209,950£209,000-£95007 Nov 202311 Mar 2024125 Days
4 Darby Road, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7EL£225,000£180,000-£45,00013 Apr 202301 Feb 2024294 Days
Riverside Cottage, Lloyds Head, Jackfield, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7LZ£295,000£260,000-£35,00013 Jun 202324 Jan 2024225 Days
36 Sunniside Avenue, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7ET£220,000£210,000-£10,00016 Jun 202315 Dec 2023182 Days
9 Chapel Road, Ironbridge, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7QX£405,000£388,000-£17,00016 Jun 202311 Oct 2023117 Days
203 Ferry Road, Jackfield, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7LS£210,000£210,000£0026 Jun 202329 Sep 202395 Days
13 Hodge Bower, Ironbridge, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7QG£175,000£175,000£0031 May 202301 Sep 202393 Days
Upper House, Buildwas Road, Ironbridge, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7DW£750,000£750,000£0021 Feb 202317 Aug 2023177 Days
33 Paradise, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7NP£249,950£249,950£0004 Apr 202314 Aug 2023132 Days
14 Hillside, Ironbridge, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7QU£550,000£545,000-£5,00003 Nov 202209 Aug 2023279 Days
39 Paradise, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7NP£255,000£250,000-£5,00027 Apr 202304 Aug 202399 Days
12 New Road, Ironbridge, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7AU£318,500£318,500£0020 Feb 202331 Jul 2023161 Days
197 Ferry Road, Jackfield, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7LS£230,000£200,000-£30,00011 Feb 202226 Jul 2023530 Days
Darby Toll House, Jiggers Bank, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7EH£300,000£290,000-£10,00001 Dec 202220 Jul 2023231 Days
40 Hodge Bower, Ironbridge, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7QL£545,000£540,000-£5,00029 Mar 202317 Jul 2023110 Days
6 Newbridge Road, Ironbridge, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7BA£529,000£515,000-£14,00003 Oct 202207 Jul 2023277 Days
14 Lincoln Hill, Ironbridge, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7NX£299,950£285,000-£14,95007 Feb 202323 Jun 2023136 Days
22 Woodside, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7ED£325,000£325,000£0018 Mar 202323 Jun 202397 Days
29 Paradise, Coalbrookdale, Telford, Wrekin, TF8 7NP£235,000£222,000-£13,00006 Feb 202302 Jun 2023116 Days
16 Park View, Buildwas, Telford, Shropshire, TF8 7BY£295,000£292,000-£3,00007 May 202231 Mar 2023328 Days

Most Expensive Streets in TF8 (Telford)

PostcodeStreetAreaAverageNo. of Sales
TF8 7JJHenrietta Way, CoalportTelford£529,80010
TF8 7BGWoodlands Walk, IronbridgeTelford£461,6503
TF8 7PWChurch Hill, IronbridgeTelford£446,6663
TF8 7QLHodge Bower, IronbridgeTelford£436,6663
TF8 7DWBuildwas Road, IronbridgeTelford£430,6457
TF8 7DBBuildwasTelford£426,6663
TF8 7LTThe Tuckies, JackfieldTelford£425,6663
TF8 7EQCherry Tree Hill, CoalbrookdaleTelford£413,1005
TF8 7BJBuildwas Road, IronbridgeTelford£392,3163
TF8 7LFThe Knowle, JackfieldTelford£380,7504

Least Expensive Streets in TF8 (Telford)

PostcodeStreetAreaAverageNo. of Sales
TF8 7LQYorke House, Maws Craft CentreTelford£133,3754
TF8 7ENThe Grove, CoalbrookdaleTelford£138,6188
TF8 7EUSunniside Avenue, CoalbrookdaleTelford£167,8577
TF8 7EGThe Courtyard, IronbridgeTelford£186,2504
TF8 7LSFerry Road, JackfieldTelford£190,3336
TF8 7AXFoundry Mews, CoalbrookdaleTelford£194,6005
TF8 7ETSunniside Avenue, CoalbrookdaleTelford£197,2905
TF8 7NFGorge View Terrace, IronbridgeTelford£199,0003
TF8 7DUWellington Road, CoalbrookdaleTelford£201,5836
TF8 7ASNew Road, IronbridgeTelford£202,6663

Explore TF8 (Telford) using map