House Prices in DT6 House Prices in DT6 (Bridport)

The average house price in DT6 (Bridport) is £373,473 using HM Land Registry data.

The average property price increased by £165,672 (20.96%) over the last 5 years and increased by £33,112 (3.27%) over the last 12 months.

Over the last year, there were 266 residential property sales – a decrease of 150 transactions (-56.39%) relative to the previous year. The majority of house sales (61) were in the £180,000 - £292,000 range. Then came properties in the £292,000 - £404,000 range, where 56 were sold within this price bracket.

Excluding fall throughs, properties are taking an average of 78 days to sell (from being listed to completion) and the average difference between asking and sold prices is £-13,008 (-3%).

In April 2024, there were 75 new estate agency instructions, 44 agreed home sales and 37 property price reductions.

5-Year Average Property Prices in DT6 (Bridport)


Property prices in Bridport increased by 20.96% in last 5 years.

The trend shows the general price tendency over the last 5 years, ignoring all month-to-month fluctuations where anomalies - typically over or underpriced property sales - can skew results. These monthly variations typically do not have any long-term relevance.

We have used linear regression method. The volume of sales in a month is used to put more weight on months with a larger number of properties sold. Additionally, weighting decreases the impact of months with low sales volumes as well as the most recent month - which may consist of incomplete data. Such months have a higher variation of average sale values which may conceal the underlying trend.

From a statistical perspective, we use the least squares method to fit the trend line and weights are equal to the volume of sales squared. The volume of sales is not shown explicitly in the above plot. Also note the time lag for HM Land Registry data to appear (typically 2 to 3 months).

Average Property Prices in DT6 (Bridport) Over the Last Year


Property prices in Bridport increased by 3.27% in last 12 months.

The trend shows the general price tendency over the last 12 months, ignoring all month-to-month fluctuations where anomalies - typically over or underpriced property sales - can skew results. These monthly variations typically do not have any long-term relevance.

We have used linear regression method. The volume of sales in a month is used to put more weight on months with a larger number of properties sold. Additionally, weighting decreases the impact of months with low sales volumes as well as the most recent month - which may consist of incomplete data. Such months have a higher variation of average sale values which may conceal the underlying trend.

From a statistical perspective, we use the least squares method to fit the trend line and weights are equal to the volume of sales squared. The volume of sales is not shown explicitly in the above plot. Also note the time lag for HM Land Registry data to appear (typically 2 to 3 months).

Property Market Heat Gauge for DT6 (Bridport) - April 2024

Our Property Market Heat Gauge looks at how long properties in your postcode district have been on the open market before being changed to sold 'Subject to Contract' ('STC') or 'Under Offer' on Rightmove (the UK's leading property portal).

At 61 to 80 days, the broad evidence suggests a slow moving market. This can often be due to estate agency over-valuations out of sync with the realities, a market slowdown or a combination of both. In such scenarios, some vendors may either choose to wait for the market to pick up (which may result in some relisting the property at a later date). Others simply reduce the price to a level that will entice more buyer interest or approach a sell house fast or auction company like Property Solvers.

Please note that this is not an indicator of how quickly property sales are taking to complete (i.e. to go through the whole conveyancing process). This measurement also does not take into account the risk of home sales falling through.

No. of New Instructions Over the Last 12 Months in DT6 (Bridport)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of properties that have come on to the market.

No. of Agreed Home Sales Over the Last 12 Months in DT6 (Bridport)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of property sales agreed. Note that these figures are not fully reflective of properties completed (sold and registered as such at HM Land Registry).

No. of Properties with Price Reductions in DT6 (Bridport)

Using local estate agency reported data, this chart illustrates the number of properties which have been seen their prices dropped (typically due to a lack of buyer interest).

Average Annual House Prices in the DT6 (Bridport) Postcode since 1995

Using HM Land Registry data, this chart displays average annual house prices in the DT6 postcode area since 1995.

Recent Sales in DT6 (Bridport)

AddressInitial PriceSold PricePrice ChangeFirst Listed DateSold DateDays to Sell
12 Barrowfield Close, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4RH£360,000£345,000-£15,00018 Jul 202322 Mar 2024248 Days
33 Hammonds Mead, Charmouth, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 6QX£249,000£230,000-£19,00007 Sep 202321 Mar 2024196 Days
14 Barrowfield Close, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4RH£320,000£305,000-£15,00011 Nov 202301 Mar 2024111 Days
1 Folly Square, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3PU£245,000£231,000-£14,00015 Nov 202326 Feb 2024103 Days
25 Barrowfield Close, Burton Bradstock, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4RH£369,000£362,500-£6,50016 Oct 202323 Feb 2024130 Days
11 Arrowfield, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 5HL£165,000£160,000-£5,00019 Oct 202320 Feb 2024124 Days
32 Ellesdon, Charmouth, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 6QR£279,000£275,000-£4,00009 Feb 202314 Feb 2024370 Days
Flat 15, Folly Mill Lodge, South Street, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3QS£100,000£90,000-£10,00017 May 202209 Feb 2024633 Days
3 Roundham Gardens, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4BD£650,000£647,000-£3,00026 Jul 202331 Jan 2024189 Days
1 Cordova Gardens, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3NG£315,000£300,000-£15,00009 Sep 202329 Jan 2024142 Days
37 Barrack Street, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3LX£325,000£320,000-£5,00005 Sep 202329 Jan 2024146 Days
Pine Cottage, Gibbs Lane, Morcombelake, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 6DT£400,000£385,000-£15,00026 Oct 202318 Jan 202484 Days
14 Coneygar Close, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3AR£625,000£625,000£0006 Oct 202318 Jan 2024104 Days
Flat 29, St. Swithins Court, St Swithins Road, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 5DG£220,000£205,000-£15,00002 Aug 202318 Dec 2023138 Days
Flat 22, Chesil House, Station Road, West Bay, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4EW£250,000£219,000-£31,00019 May 202314 Dec 2023209 Days
123 West Bay Road, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4EQ£750,000£715,000-£35,00001 Jun 202311 Dec 2023193 Days
62 Jessopp Avenue, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4ES£475,000£470,000-£5,00029 Sep 202311 Dec 202373 Days
8 Meech Close, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 4JT£585,000£585,000£0017 Jun 202311 Dec 2023177 Days
6 Hammonds Mead, Charmouth, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 6QX£345,000£300,000-£45,00012 Jul 202330 Nov 2023141 Days
27 Pine View, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 5AF£275,000£264,500-£10,50010 Aug 202328 Nov 2023110 Days

Most Expensive Streets in DT6 (Bridport)

PostcodeStreetAreaAverageNo. of Sales
DT6 3NDDowne HallBridport£988,3333
DT6 3TEPowerstockBridport£975,0003
DT6 6BDHigher Sea Lane, CharmouthBridport£922,8889
DT6 4PGUplodersBridport£889,1663
DT6 6BEFive Acres, CharmouthBridport£820,8333
DT6 4JEBurton RoadBridport£784,1663
DT6 4QGBurton BradstockBridport£721,1663
DT6 3SALodersBridport£704,7229
DT6 6EBPitmans Lane, MorcombelakeBridport£702,5004
DT6 4RDSouthover, Burton BradstockBridport£701,6663

Least Expensive Streets in DT6 (Bridport)

PostcodeStreetAreaAverageNo. of Sales
DT6 3NLHomebredy House Cottages, East Street, BridportBridport£108,16612
DT6 3AAVictoria GroveBridport£125,6663
DT6 6AUFernhill Heights, CharmouthBridport£136,3577
DT6 4HFHeron Court, West BayBridport£137,7857
DT6 3HBPeelers Court, St Andrews RoadBridport£138,78223
DT6 3QSFolly Mill Lodge, South Street, BridportBridport£139,60714
DT6 5QPAlexandra CourtBridport£142,2005
DT6 3UWMeadow CourtBridport£150,36025
DT6 3NNSouth StreetBridport£156,5003
DT6 3FLPriory Mills, Priory LaneBridport£168,5006

Explore DT6 (Bridport) using map